a very Metal weekend
07. - 08.03.2025.
Harder than Rock team na raspolaganju je svim tiskanim i elektroničkim medijima za sve vrste informacija vezane uz festival i izvođače na festivalu. Naš press team imati će izravnu email komunikaciju s novinarima i urednicima kako bi osigurali što bolju promociju festivala. Zauzvrat ćemo ih se potruditi lijepo ugostiti na festivalu i omogućiti in VIP pristup. Zahtjeve za intervju s izvođačima pošaljite najkasnije 60 dana prije početka festivala. Zahtjeve za akreditiranje možete podnijeti najkasnije 15 dana prije početka festivala. Kasnije zahtjeve nismo u mogućnosti prihvaćati. Zahtjeve šaljite na email press@harderthanrockfestival.com i prilikom slanja emaila napišite ime i prezime novinara (i eventualno fotografa), te ime i web stranicu medija kojeg zastupate. Na svaki vaš email odgovoriti ćemo u roku od najviše dva radna dana.
The Harder than Rock team is at the disposal of all print and electronic media for all kinds of information related to the festival and the performers at the festival. Our press team will have direct email communication with journalists and editors to ensure the best possible promotion of the festival. In return, we will do our best to welcome them at the festival and provide them with VIP access. Interview requests should be sent no later than 60 days before the start of the festival. You can submit requests for accreditation no later than 15 days before the start of the festival. Send requests to press@harderthanrockfestival.com with the first and last name of the journalist (and possibly the photographer), as well as the name and website of the media you represent. We will respond to each email within a maximum of two working days.
Za sve predstavnike medija pripremili smo PRESS kit u kojem možete naći po jednu promo fotografiju i logotip svakog od izvođača na festivalu, kao i vizual festivala i natjecanja ‘Metal Battle’.
For all media representatives, we have prepared a PRESS kit in which you can find a promo photo and logo of each performer at the festival, as well as a visual of the festival and the ‘Metal Battle’ competition.
Harder Than Rock – a very metal weekend in Zagreb, Croatia, Boogaloo, March 7th and 8th, 2025.
Reach us at www.harderthanrockfestival.com