a very Metal weekend
07. - 08.03.2025.
Harder Than Rock festival je dvodnevni indoor event koji koji se održava 07. i 08. ožujka u zagrebačkom klubu Boogaloo. Svojim konceptualnim pristupm cilj nam je pružiti uvid u prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost žestoke glazbe, od hard rocka, pa do svih podvrsta metal i hard core glazbe. Ultimativni cilj nam je brisanje vidljivih granica kako bi bendovi sa svih strana svijeta i posjetitelji festivala uživali u onom što nas okuplja; izuzetnoj glazbi i ljubavi prema istoj. Također, u sklopu Harder than Rock Festivala održava se i regionalno finale najvećeg međunarodnog natjecanja bendova na svijetu ‘Metal Battle’, čiji pobjednik izravno odlazi na najveći svjetski metal festival Wacken Open Air na superfinale, gdje će imati priliku postati svjetskim metal zvijezdama. Harder than Rock ponosni su predstavnici Metal Battle i nastaviti će to raditi u godinama koje dolaze.
Harder Than Rock festival is a two-day indoor event that takes place on March 7th and 8th at Boogaloo club in Zagreb. With our conceptual approach, our goal is to provide an insight into the past, present and future of hard music, from hard rock to all subtypes of metal and hard core music. Our ultimate goal is to erase visible borders so that bands from all over the world and festival visitors can enjoy what brings us together; exceptional music and love for it. Also, as part of the Harder than Rock Festival, the regional final of the world’s largest international band competition ‘Metal Battle’ is held, the winner of which goes directly to the world’s largest metal festival Wacken Open Air for the superfinal, where they will have the opportunity to become world metal stars. Harder than Rock are proud representatives of Metal Battle and will continue to do so for years to come.
Prvu večer Harder Than Rock festivala otvaraju finalisti METAL BATTLE natjecanja. Pet vrhunskih metal bendova iz cijele regije zapaliti će Boogaloo i pokazati da se za odlazak na WACKEN treba itekako potruditi. Žanrovska raznolikost i teritorijalna specifičnost ovo natjecanje činiti će veoma napetim, a stručni, međunarodni žiri imati će delikatan zadatak. Finalisti natjecnja biti će objavljeni 30 prosinca 2024. Headlineri prve večeri su legendarni bend DIVLJE JAGODE, koji i nakon gotovo pola stoljeća ne prestaju oduševljavati fanove diljem svijeta i dijeliti lekcije kako se žestoka hard rock glazba treba svirati. Ovim koncertom promoviraju novi album ‘Prati moje stare tragove’ i nova vinilna izdanja legendarnih albuma. DIVLJE JAGODE u Boogaloo klub se vraćaju nakon mnogo godina i najavljuju set listu za pamćenje.
Drugu večer festivala će otvoriti ODIUM – njemački heavy metal band iz Frankfurta s izrazitim thrash utjecajem. Osnovani su 1993, izdali su 9 albuma, a Metal Hammer proglasio ih je jednim od najboljih bendova njemačke underground scene. Nastali su pod utjecajem bendova kao Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Iron Maiden i sl, a s gnijevnim vokalima i zaraznim melodijama stvorili su svoj vlastiti stil. Bend AIRFORCE iz UK, jedan su od najaktivnijih predstavnika britanskog NWOBHM pokreta. U Hrvatsku dolaze samo nekoliko dana nakon izlaska njihovog novog albuma ‘Acts of Madness’, pa će mu ovaj nastup biti prva svjetska službena live promocija. Jedan su od rijetkih NWOBHM bendova koji ne donose samo nostalgiju za minulim vremenima, već sa svakim novim albumim pokazuju žestinu i glad za osvajanjem novih teritorija. Švicarska ‘all woman’ atrakcija BURNING WITCHES co-headlineri su festivala na simboličan datum – 08. ožujka (međunarodni Dan Žena). Pojačani američkom gitarističkom senzacijom Courtney Cox, s novim albumom ‘The Dark Tower’ osvajaju pozornice klubova i festivala u USA, Južnoj Americi, te Europi. Romana, Jeanine, Lala, Laura i Courtney sinonim su za uspjeh i pokazuju nam kolikom brzinom se jedan bend može pretvoriti u headlinera i nositelja cijelog žanra. I ODIUM, AIRFORCE i BURNING WITCHES u Zagrebu nastupaju premijerno! U zadnjim desetljećima Švedska je predvodnica razvoja globalne metal scene. ENFORCER, bend sa duhom veličanstvenih osamdesetih brzo su se nametnuli kao predvodnici heavy metal žanra za budućnost. Kao zadnji bend drugog dana festivala ENFORCER će, kao i uvijek zapaliti dvoranu i natjerati sve na žestoko pjevanje njihovih himničnih hitova, a ‘možda’ će nas i iznenaditi sa specijalnim gostom na pozornici.
The first night of the festival will be opened by the finalists of the METAL BATTLE competition. Five top metal bands from all over the region will set the Boogaloo on fire and show that going to WACKEN requires a lot of effort. Genre diversity and territorial specificity will make this competition very tense, and our international jury will have a delicate task. The finalists will be announced on December 30, 2024. The headliners of the first night are the legendary band DIVLJE JAGODE, who, even after almost half a century, do not stop delighting and sharing lessons on how the hard rock music should be played. They are promoting the new album ‘Prati moje stare tragove’ and new vinyl editions of legendary albums. DIVLJE JAGODE band returns to the Boogaloo club after many years and announce a set list to remember.
The second night will be opened by ODIUM – a German heavy metal band from Frankfurt with a thrash influence. They were founded in 1993, released 9 albums, and Metal Hammer declared them one of the best bands of the German underground. They were founded under the influence of bands like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Iron Maiden, etc.. With angry vocals and great melodies they created their own style. The band AIRFORCE from the UK is one of the most active representatives of the British NWOBHM movement. They are coming to Croatia just a few days after the release of their new album ‘Acts of Madness’, so this show will be their first worldwide live promotion. They are one of the few NWOBHM bands that not only bring nostalgia for past times, but with each new album they show their ferocity and hunger for conquering new territories. Swiss ‘all woman’ attraction BURNING WITCHES are co-headliners of the festival on a symbolic date – March 8 (International Women’s Day). Reinforced by the popular American guitarist Courtney Cox, with the new album ‘The Dark Tower’ they conquered the stages the USA, South America and Europe. Romana, Jeanine, Lala, Laura and Courtney are synonymous with success and show us how quickly a band can turn into a headliner and a bearer of an entire genre. ODIUM, AIRFORCE and BURNING WITCHES perform for the first time in Zagreb! In recent decades, Sweden has been a leader in the development of the global metal scene. ENFORCER, a band with the spirit of the glorious eighties, quickly established themselves as leaders of the heavy metal genre for the future. As the last band on the bill, ENFORCER will, as always, set the Boogallo on fire and make everyone sing their anthemic hits, and ‘maybe’ they will surprise us with a special guest on stage.
>> Dobrodošli na Wacken Metal Battle. Svirajte na najvećem metal festivalu na svijetu! <<
>> Welcome to the Wacken Metal Battle. Play at the biggest metal festival in the world! <<
Wacken Metal Battle je međunarodno natjecanje bendova, započeto 2004. godine, čiji je cilj otkrivanje novih talenata i podrška metal sceni diljem svijeta. Time Wacken Open Air podržava umjetnike u usponu na globalnoj razini, nudeći svoje resurse i pozornice i vojsku od 80 000 posjetitelja godišnje, od kojih mnogi s nestrpljenjem čekaju Metal Battle pobjednika svake godine. U ovo globalno natjecanje uključeno je 91 država na šest kontinenata, no svake godine samo 30 bendova dobije priliku dogurati do super finala na Wacken Open Air. Ekskluzivni smo Wacken Metal Battle partneri za Hrvatsku, Sloveniju, Srbiju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Crnu Goru, Sjevernu Makedoniju i Kosovo i na Harder Than Rock Festivalu, između 5 finalista, izabrati će se band koji će otputovati na super finale na Wacken 2025.
Prijave za Wacken Metal Battle 2025 su otvorene. Prijavi se ovdje!
Wacken Metal Battle is an international band contest, established in 2004, that aims at discovering new talent and supporting the metal scene worldwide. With this, the Wacken Open Air supports up & coming artists on a global scale, offering its resources and stages and an army of 80,000 visitors a year, many of whom eagerly await the Metal Battle winner each year. 91 countries on six continents are involved in this global competition, but every year only 30 bands get the chance to reach the finals at Wacken Open Air. We are exclusive Metal Battle partners for Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo, and at the Harder Than Rock Festival, between 5 finalists, a band will be chosen to travel to the finals at Wacken in 2025.
Applications for Wacken Metal Battle 2025 are open now. Apply here!
do 06.03.2025.
30 €
do 06.03.2025.
58 €
limitirano na 75 ulaznica
89 €
Broj ulaznica po danu striktno je ograničen na 1000 posjetitelja. U prodaji su jednodevne ulaznice i svaka vrijedi isključivo za dan koji odaberete pri kupnji. Također, u prodaji su dvije vrste dvodnevnih ulaznica; regularne i VIP (koje uključuju specijalnu festivalsku zakrpu i pristup u VIP prostore). VIP ulaznice ograničene su na samo 75 primjeraka i vrijede za oba dana. I jednodnevne i dvodnevne ‘early bird’ ulaznice dostupne su u ograničenoj količini i biti će dostupne do rasprodaje ili do 01.01. 2025., nakon čega cijena ulaznica raste.
The number of tickets per day is strictly limited to 1000 visitors. There are one-day tickets and each one-day ticket is valid only for the day you choose when purchasing. There are two types of two-day tickets; regular and VIP (which include a special festival patch and the VIP area access). VIP tickets are limited to only 75 copies and are valid for both days. Both one-day and two-day ‘early bird’ tickets are available in a limited quantity and will be available until sold out or until 01.01. 2025, after which the ticket price increases.
Harder Than Rock – a very metal weekend in Zagreb, Croatia, Boogaloo, March 7th and 8th, 2025.
Reach us at www.harderthanrockfestival.com
Festivalske informacije / Festival info
Prijave bendova / Band applications
Harder Than Rock organizira / Festival is organized by Gazvon Security d.o.o.
Sva službena komunikacija vezana uz festival odvijati će se putem emaila. Sve vaše poruke biti će pročitane i na svaku ćemo odgovoriti u roku od 48 sati.
All official communication related to the festival will take place via email. All your messages will be read, and we will respond to each one within 48 hours.